Most companies overlook the importance of building a database for marketing.
Instead of building a valuable database of prospects, leads and customers – their most likely buyers – they market to a general audience, hoping they might purchase their product.
And they usually don’t get the response they hoped for.
Database marketing is the best way to reach an audience of ideal prospects and buyers because it is targeted and accountable. And it works.
YETI is a company that sells premium coolers and accessories for the outdoors. By combining these 3 powerful strategies with database marketing, they drive up sales and increase profits….and don’t waste their time and money on marketing that doesn’t work.
Catalog Piece. When you buy a YETI product…you’re given a powerful mini-catalog that upsells and cross-sells.
Copy that highlights benefits. YETI highlights the benefits of their products, not just features. For example, when describing the “YETI Tank” it says “It’ll keep cans, bottles, and kegs ice cold – and easily accessible – long after your second helping of brisket or deep into overtime.” The copy doesn’t just say “PermaFrost insulation”…it tells you how this feature will benefit you.
A value-added piece. Along with the catalog, buyers also receive a high-quality sticker with the YETI logo and slogan. This helps build valuable relationship with prospects and tells them that YETI is there to give, not just take.
Using these 3 powerful strategies, YETI is able to increase response and expand their valuable database of leads, customers and prospects.
If you would like to talk to me about how you can use database marketing to increase response and sales, give me a call at (310)212-5727, or email Caleb at [email protected].
Here are the rest of this week’s articles: