For multichannel marketing, mobile marketing is one of my favorite tools.
Here are 7 truths you should know about mobile marketing now.
Truth #1: The mobile environment creates order out of chaos.
Your prospects are looking at a tiny screen in a world full of distractions. They’ll see it while scrolling with one thumb on the subway, jostled by fellow passengers. Or, they’ll be looking at the screen in the bright sunlight while “watching” their kid at the playground.
Truth #2: The wild world of mobile variables
Even if you review your mobile marketing creative on a mobile device, is it the latest pixel-packed smartphone you’re looking at in the middle of a city center with speedy data? Does your customer have that advantage? Or is your customer in a rural area with a slower phone and less data?
Truth #3: Always test.
Whenever possible, run carefully-controlled A/B testing of your mobile experiments. Come up with hypotheses about what customers will react best to, split the mobile messages they are exposed to and measure their behavior to see what really works.
Truth #4: Always use direct response copy.
More than beautiful graphics or short, cute copy, direct response copywriting will motivate your prospects to purchase your product or service. Direct response copy is a unique, conversational style of copy that turns features into benefits. It develops credibility and reality in your advertising campaign.
In short: It’s persuasive “word engineering” that gets people to respond – and you need it in your mobile marketing.
Truth #5: Always include a powerful call-to-action (CTA).
Make sure your mobile landing page includes a powerful call-to-action, which includes tension, special premiums and of course, the call to purchase. Your CTA should also reiterate what prospects will receive when they click on “Buy Now.”
Truth #6: Text response: Power in your hands
All of your marketing materials should include a texting option for response. In your TV commercials, radio ads, print ads, digital components and more, say “Or, text XXX to respond.”
See the example below…
Truth #7: Text-messaging always increases response.
Many of your prospects are more likely to text than call. Providing a texting option significantly raises response, as you’ll get many more people who typically wouldn’t make a phone call.
Mobile marketing is powerful.
And with the average American spending 5.4 hours on their phone every day, you need to optimize your marketing for mobile devices.
In Chapter 13 of my new book, The New Multichannel, Integrated Marketing: 28 Trends for Creating a Multichannel, Integrated Campaign to Boost Your Profits Now, you’ll discover more powerful strategies for reaching prospects on their phones.
You’ll discover:
- 5 key rules for mobile-optimizing your landing page…
- How to use texting for powerful lead generation and data collection…
- What never to do in a mobile marketing campaign…
- 7 powerful strategies Nike used to create a breakthrough mobile marketing campaign during the Super Bowl….
- And more.
Now, for a limited time only, I’m offering The New, Multichannel Integrated Marketing: 28 Trends for Creating a Multichannel, Integrated Campaign to Boost Your Profits Now for 20% off – for only $19.95 (regular price is $24.95).
Click here to order now, and get 20% off.
I’ll even autograph your copy – completely free.
Or, you can call (310) 212-5727 to order your copy right over the phone.
Please, don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn strategies and tactics that could transform your marketing…help you reach your business goals…and help you stop wasting time and money on marketing that simply doesn’t work.
Here are the rest of this week’s articles:
Testing Corner: Creating a Powerful, Profitable Upsell
Copy Tip: 3 Copy Secrets to Improve Profitability