Entrepreneurs, company presidents, and marketing directors are often confused… even overwhelmed… with choosing the most cost-effective and powerful ways to:

  • Generate leads and convert them into sales
  • Bring in new customers faster and more efficiently
  • Dominate their market with an exciting product or service
  • Successfully launch a new product or reposition an existing one

Marketing and advertising directors can’t afford to make mistakes. They don’t have budgets to waste and must-see great results.

That’s why I wrote the book, The New Multichannel Integrated Marketing – 29 Trends for Creating a Multichannel, Integrated Campaign to Boost Your Profits Now, for both Presidents and Marketing Directors… to clarify a path to success for marketing strategies and tactics.

The noise, confusion, and overwhelming clutter – ignore them.

The new trend to increase your response and achieve greater market response to your marketing efforts is intelligent, accountable, and scientific advertising: multichannel, integrated marketing and advertising.

As a business owner or marketing director, you hear a lot of different advice on how to best market your product or service.

You have learned that social media marketing is a great route – it’s fast, low-cost, and relevant.

You might have been told that email marketing is the best option for reaching your ideal audience and generating a high response rate.

You have also heard about direct mail, an “old school” approach to marketing that is getting an excellent response online.

Should you use an addressable TV? Pre-rolls? Nature ads?

Ultimately, you want to implement the best marketing approach—the strategy that generates a high response at the lowest cost-per-lead and cost-per-sale.

You want to use the approach that will get you the highest profits…and fastest growth.

For more than 40 years, I’ve helped businesses achieve rapid growth with marketing and advertising.

I’ve seen skyrocketing profits.

I’ve seen ideas and dreams become reality.

I’ve seen small companies explode into multimillion-dollar companies and large companies grow even bigger.

And I have learned that the best marketing approach is… none of the options I just listed.

It’s “all of the above.”

This is the very best way to:

  • Launch a product or service…
  • Grow an existing brand…
  • Reposition an existing mature product or service…
  • And to dominate your market.

Let me explain:

Your best marketing approach is called “multichannel marketing.”

An even more effective variation is “integrated” multichannel marketing.

This approach implements all the strategies listed above—and more—to significantly boost your response rate … and supercharge your profits. It’s marketing and advertising on steroids, and it will revolutionize your marketing results.

Multichannel, integrated marketing is changing how businesses such as yours reach new prospects … upsell and cross-sell more effectively … get higher responses…. and earn massive profits.

Multichannel, integrated marketing:

  • Combines marketing across all channels – digital, direct mail, social media, and more – to generate new leads, conversions and sales
  • Deploys all materials to the same names, boosting responses from prospects, leads, and current customers
  • Drives potential customers back to the same landing page with the same powerful offer throughout all materials
  • Uses advanced Transactional Data Modeling (TDM) and other high-level targeting strategies to reach your “perfect prospects”
  • Gives potential customers the impression and credibility that you have a widespread presence and high-budget

And it’s accountable and scientific: You always measure what works and what does not… you know your cost-per-lead and your cost-per-sale.

It’s Been Proven: Multichannel, Integrated Marketing Gets the Highest Response

Businesses that use multichannel, integrated marketing report more success and satisfaction with their marketing results than businesses that use a non-integrated, digital-only, or single-channel approach. Though a multichannel, integrated marketing campaign may require more work upfront, it generates more leads and more customers in the long run.

In fact, statistics show that marketers report that their multichannel, integrated marketing campaigns are three times as effective as other kinds of campaigns.

And I know from many personal experiences it’s the key to success for start-ups or smaller companies.

To lower risk and response, multichannel marketing should use advanced Transactional Data Modeling (TDM) and optimized data as the key “starting point” for a marketing campaign.

The ability to specifically target your key target audience with this new, powerful data strategy is critical to your success. It lowers your costs, enlarges your universe of potential clients or customers, and increases your response.

“Transactional” data is so powerful in targeting your audience because it’s a perfect look-a-like audience. It’s not Google clicks, Facebook likes, or other internet data. It’s actual buying behavior or transactional data – a much more accurate predictor.

This ensures that all marketing materials are targeted at the prospects who are most likely to respond to your offer – and pull out their credit cards to make a purchase. Using this data will transform your marketing and advertising.

It allows you to direct your message across multiple channels so that prospects see your offer many times and have numerous opportunities to say “yes” to it.

These channels may include a combination of any of the following:

A Landing Page – A powerful, streamlined landing page is the foundation of your campaign. The key is to give your prospects one streamlined call-to-action to respond to your powerful offer.

Banner/Nature AdsBanner ads on Google, Yahoo, and other platforms are powerful when combined with other media.

Direct Mail – Direct mail is a little-known term for many marketers, but it is my #1 “Secret Weapon” for boosting response. Direct mail is essential to most multichannel, integrated campaigns.

Pre-Roll – Pre-roll videos are the “commercial before the video” on YouTube and other sites.

Video – Video is crucial to your landing page, social media marketing, and more.

Email – Email generates sales and provides response-boosting follow-up to your leads.

Facebook Advertising – Facebook advertising can be a powerful tool when used correctly…

Twitter – Twitter drives followers back to your landing page with strategically crafted Tweets that sell your product or service.

Plus, addressable TV, Strategic AP Marketing (SAM), and much more.

All marketing and advertising materials are “integrated,” meaning they work together to generate a response by strategically retargeting prospects with the same offer.

Ultimately, every channel receives a higher response than it would by itself.

A multichannel, integrated campaign might seem complex, but it’s actually very simple.

That’s why I wrote the book, The New Multichannel Integrated Marketing – 29 Trends for Creating a Multichannel, Integrated Campaign to Boost Your Profits Now, to help you have a step-by-step roadmap to success.

The 258-page book gives you actionable, concise guidance on how to grow your company.

You can get the book by:

Kindle – click HERE
Audio – click HERE
Signed Copy – click HERE
Amazon – click HERE

Give Michael Oppenheimer a call at 615-933-4647 or email him at [email protected]