You may be like many marketers who email or call me. Their problem: Their website is producing disappointing results.

They have people leaving the site too soon. They have few people motivated to go to the shopping cart.

They have a confusing checkout process, depressing response…

Bottom line: They have a static antimarketing site that does nothing to generate sales.

Let me tell you how one entrepreneur became a well-oiled eCommerce powerhouse.

Dorothy Pryor Rose, president, and chief baker at Mommie Helen’s Bakery was about to get the opportunity of a lifetime. Oprah Winfrey’s O Magazine was ready to release a glowing review of her pie shop.

The only problem was, her website was static, lacking enough benefits and information for prospects to make a positive decision. It also had a weak online-ordering process.

I talked to Dorothy and gave her a road map to success for her landing page.

So, my team of experts at Creative Direct Marketing Group, Inc. built her a 6-step game plan to get her ready for a massive boost in response.

Step #1: A powerful USP.

First, we identified and articulated the Unique Selling Proposition (USP), telling the prospect what’s special and unique about Mommie Helen’s Pies.

Most websites… and landing pages… you can’t find a USP at all.

Step #2: Tell a compelling story.

Then, we told Mommie Helen’s story in a compelling way that evoked emotion in the reader. Most of the time, people buy on emotion and impulse – our goal was to bring prospects into a story that makes them want to buy.

Mommie Helen’s Bakery took on a personality: We created a short story explaining how Mommie Helen’s began…from homemade pies at hometown gatherings to word-of-mouth business to a fully operating bakery.

Step #3: Direct response graphics to boost response.

A powerhouse in this story, we used enticing, response-boosting photos of her unique pies.

And of course, CDMG secured rights to use the cover of O Magazine on the landing page.

Step #4: “You”-oriented copy to create a connection to readers.

Throughout the landing page, we used only direct response copy to capture reader interest and prompt orders.

The copy strategy included a personalized letter from Dorothy to the prospect, explaining her bakery’s benefits and how her pies stand out from factory-produced pies.

Step #5: Optimize shopping cart.

We also improved the site’s order-taking and shipping capabilities to handle the surge of new customers from Oprah’s national press announcement.

This included critical direct response elements, from a 100% money-back guarantee to an email capture feature to a streamlined one-step shopping cart.

Step #6: Data collection.

Finally, we set up a system for data collection to grab customer data and current analytics to see what’s already working and build a database for future sales.

With greater focus and advanced search engine optimization, Dorothy’s site was now open for business.

And the strategy worked. Mommie Helen’s Bakery gained an unbelievable 250% in total sales.

If you think you should be getting more out of your e-commerce site’s performance, call Michael at 615-933-4647 or email him at [email protected] for a FREE web critique. You’ll learn what’s working and what could be done to improve your response…maybe as much as 250% or more.