Abandoned Shopping Cart (Credit: Sandro Ravazzolo)

There’s nothing more frustrating to a marketer than an abandoned shopping cart.
However, the good news is that online shopping cart abandonment can be drastically reduced.
The bitter truth remains that if you look at your statistics, you’ll be horrified … and studies show 42% of those who abandon their carts wound up making their purchase at a competitor’s site.
So how can you make sure that your site doesn’t lose leads or customers?
Here are 3 keys to making sure your customers finish their purchase:

  1. The fewer clicks in your cart, the lower your abandonment rates

Your checkout should be simple, with one, no more than two clicks to check out. Study after study has shown that each additional click lowers conversions and sales.
There’s no reason why your shopping cart needs more than two clicks.

  1. Get rid of the FAQ and navigation options.

The shopping cart has one purpose: to make the sale. Navigation options lose the sale.

  1. Have a powerful direct response shopping cart: direct response copy and chart.

Have a positive acceptance statement and copy reinforcement.

  1. Use direct response copy and other reinforcements such as a powerful visual display of testimonials, ratings, and more.


  1. Make sure your offer is clear and powerfully presented.


  1. Make sure that you have remarketing code to follow those who do abandon the cart—get them back!


  1. Don’t be afraid of abandoned shopping cart emails

The trick is to do it within 24 hours, and to make it sound like it’s coming from an administrator, not a marketer. Use positive direct response copy.
The copy should ask if there was a technical problem and offer a link that will let your prospects return to their cart with the contents still intact and complete the sale.
The reason? Although many abandoned carts are a result of confusion, disinterest or cold feet, believe it or not distractions are the #1 reason for abandoned carts.
If you’re experiencing problems with shopping cart abandonment, please call me at (310) 212-5727 or email me at [email protected]