800 Direct needed to get its message into the hands of key telemarketing managers and marketing directors of companies nationwide.
These individuals are extremely busy, hard-to-reach, and inundated with promotional materials. And they are the most skeptical prospects out there.
Part of the solution I recommended was direct mail to our “target audience”.
In order to bypass front office personnel and reach the right decision-makers, this marketing piece had to have a high perceived value that would trigger response.
My staff and I created a “bumpy” package with an attention-getting envelope featuring a humorous cartoon showing an incompetent telemarketing operator.

The envelope asked the provocative question … “Who’s really answering your inbound calls?” It also teased the reader with the promise of “Telemarketing Innovations” and a FREE checklist of 8 Costly Telemarketing Blunders.
Insider, the letter took an informational marketing approach that explained the innovations, all fully detailed in a FREE Special Report: 44 Cost-Cutting, Profit-Making, Telemarketing Breakthroughs, Strategies, and Innovations.
To be up and current on what is happening, you had to have access to the report.
Matt Epstein, Director of Marketing, said “Thanks to your creative direct marketing approach, we have never had so many leads.
You have done great work and we would have no problem highly recommending your agency.”
In fact, this campaign piece was so successful, it garnered both the Target Marketing BEST O Direct Marketing Award and the West Award of Merit, and the Best Marketing award of the Business Marketing Association.
If you want the same high level of response that 800 Direct received, then give me a call at (310) 212-5727 or email me at [email protected], and we will talk about how to take your campaign from bumpy to big profits!