Copy formulas help you create more profitable marketing and advertising.

I just reviewed copy for some clients…making sure they followed…and did not violate….specific direct response copy formulas.

Direct response copy is a time-tested, proven approach to writing copy that compels your prospects to action.

More than any other writing style, it gets a response.

Direct response copy frequently uses the word “you” and “your” and stresses the benefits, not the features, of your product or service.

It’s the only writing style you should be using in all of your marketing materials.

Direct response copy has helped me win 86 awards for direct mail and digital campaigns.

This applies for marketing to consumers.

This applies for marketing to businesses.

This applies for all products and services.

Watch the video below to learn more about a specific direct response copy formula – AIDA – that you can use to boost your response…and profits.

It’s about 3 minutes.


If you would like to talk about how you can use direct response copy to boost your next marketing campaign, give me a call at (310)212-5727 or email Caleb at [email protected].


Here are the rest of this week’s articles: