Dr Carrico Website
Doctors’ practices face stiff competition and little product differentiation.
But great marketing can change all that … and create a powerful stream of new patients.
One of the foundations to greater sales is a landing page following all the right direct marketing rules.
Performance Medical Health Group has been my client for almost twenty years.
As a chiropractor, the CEO of the company identified a technology that could help individuals suffering from chronic back and neck pain, especially those diagnosed as needing back surgery, something most people work very hard to avoid.
My team and I recommended a marketing solution creating direct response landing page, paid searches and SEO were used to build visibility and drive prospects to the site.
To set Performance Medical Health Group apart from the competition and overcome prospect skepticism about an alternative back treatment, the site used direct response copy designed to educate prospects on the benefits of not only the technology, but getting care from an expert. Credibility was built through the use of personal, first-person copy, testimonials, videos of happy patients, and special reports detailing the effectiveness of the care.
Finally, prospects were offered a low-risk entry into the practice with a free exam and consultation, plus a free special report to encourage them to act now.
The results have provided a constant, consistent stream of new patients and product growth, creating one of the most successful practices in America.
Watch my video on the difference between corporate websites and landing pages. Click here.
South Bay Back Shot
For a video on landing pages, click here.
Want to learn more about landing pages and how they can help your marketing? Call me at (310) 212-5727 or email me [email protected].