Most traditional agencies create “branding” art and copy: beautiful design with clever copy. But it’s not what motivates your prospect to respond.
Direct response marketing is based on the science of what makes advertising effective and why. Using tried-and-true rules, direct response copy will:
- Grab the attention of your prospect.
- Powerfully position your company and product in your prospect’s mind.
- Identify your unique selling proposition (USP).
- Overcome your prospect’s skepticism and objectives.
- Create a “branding” effect that will help you gain market share.
- Motivate your prospect to respond immediately.
- Follow time-tested copy rules that work.
Mastering the science behind direct response copy gives your marketing power to rapidly grow your client base and dramatically increase your profits.
Direct response copy doesn’t necessarily begin with a clever idea. It begins with “you”. A good direct response ad, landing page, video, or direct mail will:
- Discover what’s unique about your product or service and relate it to the “you” orientation of the prospect.
- Decide exactly how your prospects will benefit.
- Create a specific, clear theme for the prospect.
- Develop a personal, one-on-one communication.
- Reveal your unique selling proposition (USP) to your prospect.
What’s your unique selling proposition (USP)? It’s what sets apparat your product or service from the rest… so prospects can’t help but respond to your unique offer.
If you use direct response strategies, your prospects will clearly understand how your offer meets their needs and desires. Your prospects become your client because they see what’s in it for them.
Need help in marking your copy more powerful? Our team of direct response copy experts can help.
Call Michael at 615-933-4647 or email him at [email protected].