Your prospect hates risk.
This is especially the case with business-to-business marketing, where the reputation or career is on the line.
But consumers also hate risk.
Remember, your prospects can’t see you. They can’t see your product or the service you’re selling. They don’t know you personally.
Generating leads and sales requires great trust to overcome the perceived risk, especially when natural skepticism is added to the equation.
You must consciously address the risk issue (real or imagined) in your copy.
That’s called preemptive copy.
Look at your landing page, direct mail, TV ad, email – all your marketing.
Have you addressed and overcome the risks your customers and prospects feel?
Are you being preemptive in overcoming their fears, doubts, and skepticism? Increase your response by addressing and overcoming the risk in responding.
If you need help evaluating your copy objectively, give Michael a call at 615-947-6120 or email him at