The copy that you create for landing pages, videos, direct mail, digital ads, emails or any other marketing materials should have one common goal: to show your prospect how your product or service will improve his or her life…and to make it so irresistible that he or she is launched into action.

But in their eagerness to create a compelling case, some marketers try to show off everything their product can do all at once…thus turning their copy into an overwhelming flood of benefits. And that can confuse your prospect. It’s not the way the human brain works.

Instead, successful copy will present one focused Big Idea.

It’s a single strong theme that can be explained concisely and understood quickly. It lets your prospect know right away what you’re getting at.

The best Big Ideas track with your audience’s strongest trigger points. They’re timely and emotionally stirring, to awaken, shock or fascinate your reader. They work because they make a connection with your reader.

If you can’t describe your Big Idea in just a few words…then you don’t have one. Revisit your approach and search for that one angle that will reach the real needs, fears and concerns of your prospect.

To put it simply, your Big Idea must make your prospect feel like the lightbulb just went on.

Here is a secret to help you determine the Big Idea: Identify the top 4 to 7 benefits (not features) of your product or service. Then narrow it down and select the strongest one.

You can use the others for your next campaign or test two and see which one the marketplace decides is best.

If complexity stands in your way, I urge you to give me and my team a call at (615) 933-4647 or email Michael at [email protected].