Facebook can give you great response and profits.
It can also be a huge disappointment.
But when used correctly, Facebook can be one of the most powerful ways to reach potential customers, expand your reach, and boost response and profits.
In order to maximize your efforts in Facebook, use the following 14 strategic steps I’ve developed to increase your response on Facebook. The steps are based upon over $20 million dollars of testing thousands of ads and strategies for my clients.
1. Identify your audience.
First, identify your audience. How old are they? Where do they live? What are they interested in?
In order to quickly grab the attention of prospective customers who are rapidly scrolling through their newsfeeds, your copy and graphics must be customized to your specific audience.
2. Create a custom list.
Custom lists can be created from your existing database to supercharge your response. A custom list will target a very specific audience of prospects that are the most likely to respond to your marketing.
3. Create a look-a-like audience.
Using your custom list, create a look-a-like audience that mimics the qualities of your most responsive customers and clients. Look-a-like audiences can dramatically expand your prospects, growing leads and new customers like never before.
Look-a-like audiences can be narrowed down to fit a specific geographical area. For example, if your ideal audience lives in Los Angeles, you can target residents of LA only with a look-a-like audience.
4. Retargeting is key.
Use retargeting for anyone that’s been to the landing page. Retargeting will track prospects with ads on Facebook to bring them back to your landing page. Retargeting will dramatically boost response, almost doubling click-through rates. Don’t miss this key strategy. Have a separate campaign for your shopping cart.
5. Create separate ad accounts for different campaign categories.
For example, organize ads for sales of a specific product under their own campaign. The Facebook pixel uses data from previous campaigns to optimize performance in the future.
6. Always use direct response copy.
Editorial or journalistic copy will fail to grab the attention of your prospective. Follow the principles of direct response copy to get a response and drive your prospect to a sale.
Direct response copy is clear and benefit-oriented. Avoid long words and clichés, and consider using bullet points to entice prospects to continue reading.
7. Headline has to target your audience.
70% of your success or failure depends on your headline. Longer headlines get more of a response than shorter headlines.
An effective headline will show the benefits of a product or service. If you have statistics, include them in the headline.
8. Powerful call-to-action.
Your Facebook ad or post must include a powerful CTA, telling your prospect to take action. Use power words like “take,” “capture,” or “try” and make it clear what you want your prospect to do.
9. 7 lines of sizzling teaser copy.
Facebook limits the amount of copy that will be immediately visible to a viewer. That means you have 7 lines to draw in the prospect and persuade them to follow your call-to-action.
Select hot words such as “new,” “now,” “easy,” “introducing” and save. Teaser copy should create interest and curiosity, and get your prospect to take action.
10. Create shareable content.
One of the most powerful ways to expand your reach and boost response is to create content that users share on their own Facebook pages.
Shareable content creates interest and provokes curiosity. For example, use a headline that inspires awe in the user. Or, create content that is useful..for example, “10 Steps to a Healthy Morning Routine.”
11. Use a powerful visual.
If your Facebook advertisement or post doesn’t have a powerful, eye-catching visual, you will quickly lose the attention of your prospect. Use a relevant image that evokes an emotional response.
You’ll get a better response with real photos, not stock photos.
12. Use videos where you can.
Videos can bring your product or service to life, boosting your response and creating high engagement.
The first few seconds of your video are key. That’s your opportunity to capture the attention of your prospective client. For more keys on creating an effective video, see “21 Critical Video Marketing Rules: How You Can Increase Your Response and Profitability.”
13. Drive users to a specific landing page.
Create a specific landing page for your offer, that matches the headlines and graphics of your Facebook ad or post.
Your landing page should have no navigation distractions, a strong, benefit-oriented headline, and a call-to-action in the upper righthand corner for desktop, and centered for mobile. To watch a video on how to create a winning landing page, click here.
14. Optimize for mobile.
Your Facebook ads and posts should be mobile-optimized for ads and landing pages. 64% of your prospects are viewing your ads on their mobile devices.
If you would like to discuss your Facebook strategy and grow new leads and increase response like never before, give me a call at (310) 212-5727. Or email Caleb at [email protected].
Here are the rest of this week’s articles:
- The Amazing Power of Bullets: How They Can Dramatically Increase Your Readership, Response, and Results
- Direct Response Copy Tip of the Week: Hot Words that Boost Response
- Testing Corner: Surprising Results for Copy Test
- 28 New and Surprising Trends for Marketing Products and Services in 2018