Sometimes, you do need to punctuate your excitement and use an exclamation mark!
But be careful not to go overboard. Too many exclamation points can make your copy sound cheesy or, worse, unbelievable.
On rare occasions, they are needed to change the tone.
See how differently these examples read, thanks to punctuation:
Wrong: Easy to understand. You even get email contacts.
Right: Easy to understand. You even get email contacts!
Wrong: Revealed: The secret to a crash-proof portfolio!
Right: Revealed: The secret to a crash-proof portfolio.
If you’re not sure, consider your audience and your product.
Products that are serious in nature and luxury items will rarely use exclamation points in print advertising.
You can increase credibility and response if you use exclamation marks right.
You can decrease credibility and response if you use exclamation marks wrong.
Want to know more copy tips that will help you?
Give Michael a call at 615-933-4647 or email him at [email protected].