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New Strategies and Tactics

New Strategies and Tactics

How a Health Product Sold Millions: The Amazing Magalog That Shocked My Client [Video]

Let me tell you about a new product launch I did that exceeded all expectations … and brought in millions in sales. Marketing health supplements is viciously competitive. Standing out and differentiating one product from another is critical. My client asked me: “How can I best market my supplement? [...]

By |2020-06-11T14:50:49-06:00June 11, 2020|Latest Direct Mail, New Strategies and Tactics|

How a Direct Mail Magalog Can Dramatically Boost Your Response – Especially in a Recession [video brief]

“Magalogs” are an infomercial in print. Few marketers use magalogs. But they should, because they produce such a powerful response. In direct mail, the most common formats are: Envelope mailings Postcard mailings Self mailers There are other formats, including magalogs, catalogs, bookalogs (see video brief [...]

By |2020-06-01T14:44:56-06:00June 1, 2020|New Strategies and Tactics, Successful Marketing Campaigns|
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