Social Media

Social Media

The “Fail-Proof” Secret to Capturing Your Prospect’s Attention, Increasing Response, and Boosting Your Profits

The “fail-proof” secret to maximize profits is a very important rule… a rule often overlooked. Break the rule, and you get a lower response. Follow the rule, and it will boost your response and profits. It’s a secret to marketing [...]

5 Powerful, Strategic Steps to Dramatically Grow Your Customer Database, and Profits

How do you get new prospects and customers even when prospects are pulling back on spending? Many CEOs, CMOs, and advertising managers are asking themselves this question for their marketing strategy. My ad agency, CDMG, was asked to help a [...]

Political Marketing Breakthrough Success: 7 Advanced Strategies to Winning an Election [Winning Formula]

The difference between a winning political candidate and a losing political candidate… is usually the marketing strategy that identifies the right data and mobilizes an organized Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) campaign. The election of 2024 isn’t about policy, impressions, clicks, publicity, personality, [...]

Multiplying Your Message: 13 Response-Boosting Strategies Your Marketing and Advertising Use to Be More Effective

Marketing strategies change. For example, if you’re wondering whether Facebook advertising is still worth using despite its higher costs, antimarketing restrictions, and less targeting, which result in low ROI … or whether you’d be better off putting your cash elsewhere [...]

Transactional Data Modeling (TDM): Your “Secret Weapon” to Increasing Leads, Clients and Profits

Transactional Data Modeling (TDM) could be your secret weapon to increasing profits in 2024-2025. Let me share a powerful way to enlarge your universe of quality prospects… increase your response, and generate more prospects and clients. Transactional Data Modeling (TDM) [...]

D2C: How A Delivery Service Generated 3X Daily Customer Increase… The Little-Known Secret to Successfully Using Paid Search Advertising and the A-B Split

3X increase in new customers… daily. That is the result of a recent direct response campaign we created for a meal delivery service. How? By using a little-known secret that we have perfected. Let me explain. Paid social advertising is a [...]

Grow Your B2C or B2B ROI: Magnify Your Responses by 89% with Integrated Multi-Channel Marketing

Increase your marketing response by 89% or more. How? By using Integrated, Multichannel Marketing. Let me explain. Marketers are not always right, but the marketplace always is. Presidents and marketing/advertising directors can’t afford to make a mistake… losing time or [...]

Multichannel Marketing: Boosting Your ROI by 84% — Are You Missing One of These Keys?

84%! That’s a big average ROI increase that will help your bottom line, and it’s all from using multi-channel marketing. The multichannel marketing results leave those using only Facebook or Google in the dust. 600 marketers found that they boosted [...]

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