The Value of Testing: 4 Surprising Test Results to Help You Market Better
The Value of Testing: 4 Surprising Test Results to Help You Market Better
The Value of Testing: 4 Surprising Test Results to Help You Market Better
So, does multichannel marketing improve email response? My team at CDMG tested a client's email campaign by sending to: Email names only. Email names that also got a direct mail piece, banner ad, and Facebook ads. What were the results [...]
To maximize the number of leads, you never want to ask for too much information. Any time you do ask for more information you will have a decrease in leads. But if you simply ask for their name and say [...]
You’ve got a great product or service at a great price. Half of your creative team wants to place the price prominently on your webpage and the other wants to bury it further in the page. Decisions, decisions. The “show [...]
At first, it looks like a pop-up, but it’s not. The floater is a separate document that float on top of a web page. (It’s also sometimes called a pop-over.) You can achieve the look right in your HTML code [...]
Often, what you think will generate a higher response, is not always the case. That’s why testing copy concepts is crucial to improving your response. One concept is that using a question in the headline is dangerous. Unless your audience [...]
Short, HTML-designed emails might look nice … but do they get a response? Many companies are afraid to write longer emails because they think it will depress response. The reality is, long, copy-heavy emails usually get better results than short, [...]
A few cents can be the difference between a home run or a strike out. Case in point: American Express Publishing tested three price points for one of its publications. The control price was $19.95. Against that they tested three [...]
Here’s a test that can help you increase your online orders. In this test, a website was able to recover abandoned shopping carts by using a mechanism that retrieved email addresses. If a potential customer didn’t complete the sale, they [...]
A picture says a thousand words. The right picture grabs your prospects by the eye balls, engages them, and together with great direct response copy, turns them into buyers. Case in point: We tested three different images in Facebook ads [...]