

Copy Tip: Recession-Proof Your Copy

Response to marketing campaigns often increases when you are relevant and current with what's going on in the world today. No truer example exists than with the current fears of the pandemic economic recession. B to B marketers are finding [...]

By |2020-05-29T06:03:34-06:00May 29, 2020|Direct Response Copy Tips|

Copy Tip: The Power of Understatement

Sometimes, copy that is too bold and confident stretches your prospect’s belief in your credibility. Sometimes, understatement in your copy is better. An ad was tested: 1 - Why the Price of Silver May Rise Steeply 2 - Why the [...]

By |2019-09-24T15:49:47-06:00September 24, 2019|Direct Response Copy Tips|

Copy Tip: The Power of Caring

It is crucial that you are constantly clued in to the needs of your prospects and customers. In writing copy, really care about your prospect. There is power in caring for each prospect as an individual.  Not a group...but an [...]

By |2019-07-16T12:24:26-06:00July 16, 2019|Direct Response Copy Tips|

Copy Corner: The Compelling Power of the Origin Story

One of the most powerful and compelling ways to: Create believability and credibility Define your unique selling proposition (USP) Gain confidence and trust Overcome skepticism Bridge the gap between interest/action and leads/sales Encourage interest and relationship …is to tell a [...]

By |2019-06-11T12:58:41-06:00June 11, 2019|Uncategorized|
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