

How a Health Product Sold Millions: The Amazing Magalog That Shocked My Client [Video]

Let me tell you about a new product launch I did that exceeded all expectations … and brought in millions in sales. Marketing health supplements is viciously competitive. Standing out and differentiating one product from another is critical. My client asked me: “How can I best market my supplement? [...]

By |2020-06-11T14:50:49-06:00June 11, 2020|Latest Direct Mail, New Strategies and Tactics|

How to Get Amazing Direct Marketing Results with Magalogs: 7 Tips to Make Your Product or Service Stand Out from the Competition

Magalogs have produced amazing direct marketing results for many marketers. They offer hard facts using direct response copy and graphics to an information-hungry and/or skeptical prospect. And they get through to people because the format is unexpected. The magalog is [...]

By |2019-09-09T14:39:40-06:00September 9, 2019|New Strategies and Tactics, Successful Marketing Campaigns|

Testing Corner: Surprising Results for Copy Test

Some of my favorite direct marketing tools include magalogs, bookalogs, catalogs, and reportalogs. These formats are great for promoting your product or service. They showcase the item in a magazine layout, which generates interest among consumers or business prospects who [...]

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