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Integrated Marketing

Integrated Marketing

Testing Corner: Subject Lines for Your “Follow Up” Multichannel, Integrated Email – Guess the Winner!

When you “follow up” with prospects, always test different assets. Test headlines, graphics, copy, and more. Always test. In every follow-up or conversion series campaign I create, I’m always reminding recipients that they were interested and responded to our offer. [...]

By |2023-09-08T07:47:38-06:00September 8, 2023|Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Multichannel Marketing|

5 Powerful, Strategic Steps to Dramatically Build Your Customer Database, Growth and Profits in a Recession

How do you get new prospects and customers when companies and people are pulling back on spending in a recession — when businesses are laying people off or stopping their hiring process when the economy is uncertain? Many CEOs, vice [...]

11 Marketing Secrets for Successful Lead Generation and Sales to the Super Wealthy

Lead generation and conversion of ultra-wealthy prospects – often classified as accredited investors – is a significantly different process from traditional business-to-business marketing or D2C lead-generation marketing. Why? Because the accredited investor requires important and unique marketing and advertising tactics. [...]

By |2023-08-25T08:37:50-06:00August 25, 2023|Advertising & Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Lead Generation|
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