integrated marketing

integrated marketing

Testing Corner: Subject Lines for Your “Follow Up” Multichannel, Integrated Email – Guess the Winner!

When you “follow up” with prospects, always test different assets. Test headlines, graphics, copy, and more. Always test. In every follow-up or conversion series campaign I create, I’m always reminding recipients that they were interested and responded to our offer. [...]

By |2023-09-08T07:47:38-06:00September 8, 2023|Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Multichannel Marketing|

Financial Sector Digital Advertising Reaches Record Highs, Leaves Sector Searching for Solutions

In 2020, The US Financial Services sector spent over $23 billion in digital advertising across all Digital Channels, according to Emarketer. This trend is expected to continue into 2021 and beyond. With so many financial sector businesses targeting the same [...]

My New Book: Multichannel, Integrated Marketing: 28 New Insider Secrets for Scientifically Proven Explosive Response, Market Domination and Supercharging Profits

You’re losing time, money and opportunity if your marketing and advertising are underperforming. And with all the brand-new advances in generating leads and sales – your current marketing approach could probably be doing much better. But with all the options [...]

By |2019-09-03T16:16:34-06:00September 3, 2019|Current Events, Successful Marketing Campaigns|

How One Little-Known Marketer Discovered That Integrated, Multichannel Marketing/Advertising Supercharged Their Response and Profits [Award-Winning Campaign]

Integrated, multichannel marketing can help you have a breakthrough in generating response – even from tough audiences. For example, some of my clients must get prospects to say YES to an expensive yearlong subscription service. To profitably market and maximize response, [...]

How a Multichannel Integrated Campaign Generated Historic Response…and Won an Award [7 Steps to a Successful Campaign]

Using a multichannel integrated approach can dramatically increase your response and profits. This is what was discovered with Independent Living newsletter, an expensive investment service. To your surprise, a major part of this multichannel campaign was direct mail. But we [...]

5 Keys to Lifting Response and Boosting Profits with Multichannel, Integrated Marketing [Bespoke’s Award-Winning B2C Campaign]

Let me help you lift your response by seeing what I did for an award-winning campaign for Bespoke. Bespoke is a CBD oil company that aims to reach the consumer market with their incredible, natural painkilling solution. When they approached [...]

New Launch: More than ½ Million New Customers—Turning a Start-up into a Multi-Million Dollar Company

Let me tell you about an incredible new product launch and what made it successful. Sun Chlorella is supplement created by entrepreneur George Higashida. George had great success in Japan…but wanted to introduce Sun Chlorella to the U.S. The trouble [...]

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