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Marketing Trends

Marketing Trends

Marketing Turnaround: Repositioning an Existing Product and Taking it to a Higher Level of Profitability and Growth (350% Over Expectations)

How do you successfully create a marketing turnaround? It usually requires significant changes involving branding, positioning, offer, and yes, creative execution. That’s what my team did in helping turn around from falling sales. is an investment website best [...]

33% Response Rate: How You Could Duplicate It With This Unique Integrated Multichannel Campaign [VIDEO]

33% is an awesome response rate. Sound impossible? It’s not—if you use this little-known strategy that breaks through the clutter and grabs your prospects’ attention. 4,000 to 10,000. That’s how many messages your prospect is exposed to daily. Prospects may [...]

Direct Response Copy Tip: Writing Killer Business-to-Business Copy

When writing to business prospects, remember that business decisions are often made by groups rather than individuals. Therefore, your product must be positioned in a way that it will appeal to several different people who make decisions based on separate and distinct criteria. The end-user thinks [...]

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