Multichannel Marketing

Multichannel Marketing

Multichannel Digital Ads: What is the Best ROI Today?

What Multichannel social networks provided the best Return on Investment (ROI) ad spend in the last 30 days? Note in the list below that Facebook and Google are at the bottom, though that’s where many marketers concentrate their efforts. If [...]

Podcasting: Videos Or Audio? 3 Things You Should Know

Podcasts are booming. Subscribers and listeners are growing. Advertising is growing. One of the key questions is if a podcast should be audio or video. Video Podcast: 28% said they prefer video podcasts or audio. YouTube is the preferred video [...]

7 Testimonial Secrets to Boost Your Response

Testimonials can boost your response…Sometimes dramatically. You should use testimonials on your loading pages, ad website, video/TV/podcasts/radio, social ad, digital media, direct mail… in other words, everywhere. Here are 7 secrets I’ve learned over the years from my client's testing [...]

Senior E-commerce & Multichannel Marketing: 12 Powerful Rules for Breakthrough Results

Seniors are one of the most responsive markets. They not only respond to good offers… they buy. They are also easy to identify and market with a multichannel campaign. Seniors (aged 55+) make up an enormous market with incredible purchasing [...]

How A Multichannel Marketing Campaign Helped A Company Dramatically Expand And Grow [5 Steps To Success And Campaign Results]

Multichannel marketing is a powerful strategy that creates new clients… and profits… and Return On Investment (ROI) far better than traditional marketing. Before I give you the 5 steps, let me explain the marketing strategy. This new marketing program also [...]

How A Multichannel Marketing Campaign Helped A Company Generate a 9.57 to 1 ROI [5 Steps To Success And Campaign Results]

Achieving a 9.57 to 1 ROI. That’s what happened to one marketer using multichannel e-commerce marketing strategies and tactics. Multichannel marketing is a powerful strategy that creates new clients… and profits… and Return On Investment (ROI) far better than traditional [...]

The Little-Known Secret to Successfully Launching a New Product In Economic Uncertainty: Our 7-Point Checklist [, Whole Botanics and Immune System Examples]

Launching a new product can be fun and profitable… or a heartbreaking experience. But there is a little-known secret to minimizing your risk and maximizing your return. That is: Follow the proven direct response marketing rules. And that’s especially the [...]

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