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New Strategies and Tactics

New Strategies and Tactics

Senior E-commerce & Multichannel/Omnichannel Marketing: 12 Powerful Rules for Breakthrough Results 

Seniors are one of the most responsive markets.  They not only respond to good offers… they buy.  They are also easy to identify and market with a multichannel/omnichannel campaign.  Seniors (aged 55+) make up an enormous market with incredible purchasing [...]

By |2025-03-13T18:52:36-06:00March 13, 2025|E-Commerce, Multichannel Marketing, New Strategies and Tactics|

Direct Mail Success In An Online world: 7 Ways ZACKS Avoided Costly Blunders in Generating Leads and Sales From The Wealthy 

In a digital world direct mail can still produce your highest response at lowest cost per lead or sales. And direct mail is also among the costliest media sources.  So, what can you do to reduce your risk and make [...]

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