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New Strategies and Tactics

New Strategies and Tactics

Infographic: 18 Advertising and Marketing Strategies for 2025 [A Critical Checklist]

In 2025, expect new trends that will change the way you market your products or services…. creating amazing new opportunities for profits and growth. And reexamine your current strategies and tactics.Here are 18 advertising and marketing strategies/infographics – a virtual [...]

Secure, Fast, and Convenient: Google Wallet Integration for Next-Level eCommerce– How a New Trend can Transform Your Customer’s Experience

A major new trend is improving shopping carts. One of the tools is Google’s Wallet integration for next level e-commerce. Integrating tools like Google Wallet can transform your customer’s shopping experience, making checkouts faster, safer, and more convenient. At CDMG [...]

By |2024-11-15T14:08:21-06:00November 15, 2024|Advertising & Marketing, E-Commerce, Google, New Strategies and Tactics|

The Little-Known Secret to Successfully Launching a New Product: Our 7-Point Checklist [, Whole Botanics and Immune System Examples]

Launching a new product can be fun and profitable… or a heartbreaking experience. But there is a little-known secret to minimizing your risk and maximizing your return. That is: Follow the proven direct-response marketing rules. And that’s especially the case [...]

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