Successful Marketing Campaigns

Successful Marketing Campaigns

5 Overlooked Marketing Trends for Profitable Marketing and Advertising in the Face of Economic Uncertainty

In times of economic uncertainty, marketers face unique challenges in maintaining profitability. This demands innovative strategies to navigate the changing landscape and emerge stronger. By capitalizing on emerging trends and embracing integrated multichannel marketing, businesses can survive, grow, and even [...]

By |2023-07-13T10:37:13-06:00July 13, 2023|Advertising & Marketing, Successful Marketing Campaigns|

6 Easy Steps To A Multi-Channel Strategy That Will Boost Your Response Rate by 82% or More: Direct Mail Retargeting (DMRT) of Online Visitors On Your Website [Infographic]

One of the great new innovations in integrated marketing strategies is using direct mail retargeting (DMRT). DMRT allows you to identify the physical mailing addresses of your landing page or website visitors, allowing you to retarget them by sending a [...]

Multiplying Your Message: 13 Response-Boosting Strategies Your Marketing and Advertising Use to Be More Effective

Marketing strategies change. For example, if you’re wondering whether Facebook advertising is still worth using with its higher costs, antimarketing restrictions and less targeting, resulting in low ROI … or whether you’d be better off putting your cash elsewhere … [...]

Marketing to Parents and Grandparents: Breaking free from the Chains of Retail to Successful B2C (or B2B) – The Right Strategies and Tactics

One of the hottest and most profitable markets today is parents… and grandparents. One reason is that parents and grandparents are easy to target for marketing and advertising… and can generate high response and millions in sales. Let’s look at [...]

How to Market and Advertise in an Economic Recession, Inflation or Stagflation: Strategies for Surviving, Growing, and Dominating Your Market

What should an advertiser or marketer do during a recession… or inflation… or stagflation? Having navigated my clients through 5 recessions/stagflation and the historic Jimmy Carter 14% inflation rates… and 20% interest rates… I have some perspective. I even have [...]

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