

How a Direct Mail Magalog Can Dramatically Boost Your Response – Especially in a Recession [video brief]

“Magalogs” are an infomercial in print. Few marketers use magalogs. But they should, because they produce such a powerful response. In direct mail, the most common formats are: Envelope mailings Postcard mailings Self mailers There are other formats, including magalogs, catalogs, bookalogs (see video brief [...]

By |2020-06-01T14:44:56-06:00June 1, 2020|New Strategies and Tactics, Successful Marketing Campaigns|

Alternative Health Supplement Launch: How the “4 P’s” Formula Created Powerful Marketing Breakthrough [Award-Winning Campaign]

Let me reveal a winning formula I use – In this case, for a new product launch. It’s one of several formulas I use in creating winning direct mail, Facebook, pre-rolls, geofencing, email, landing pages, TV commercials and more. In [...]

How a Multichannel Integrated Campaign Generated Historic Response…and Won an Award [7 Steps to a Successful Campaign]

Using a multichannel integrated approach can dramatically increase your response and profits. This is what was discovered with Independent Living newsletter, an expensive investment service. To your surprise, a major part of this multichannel campaign was direct mail. But we [...]

Case Study: How Geosafari Boosted Sales & Reached a New Market with a Magalog

Marketing to parents and grandparents must cut through the media clutter. Ever since its introduction in late 1989, Educational Insights’ internationally-acclaimed GeoSafari learning system has been a continual star performer in the educational toy industry. Educators buy it for their [...]

Unique B to B Marketing Strategy Targets Corporate Decision Makers, Scoring Big Response

Doing something difficult… Doing something your competitors aren’t doing… Doing something that shakes up the order… That’s what Surf Control did with their 28-page magalog. Surf Control is a global provider of corporate security software. One of their products is [...]

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