Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

5 Powerful, Strategic Steps To Dramatically Build Your Customer Database, Growth, And Profits In A Recession

How do you get new prospects when people are pulling back on spending in a recession— when businesses are closing, unemployment is high, the economy is uncertain? Many CEOs, vice presidents, and marketing managers are asking themselves this question for [...]

You’re Invited: FreedomFest, the Biggest Conference in the Nation for Pro-Free Market, Pro-Freedom Advocates

If you love liberty, then you won’t want to miss what I’m about to tell you. It’s a piece of exciting news about the nation’s largest conference for libertarians and conservatives….joined by over 2,000 liberty-loving Americans….and 250+ speakers. It’s FreedomFest [...]

Subscription Marketing: Integrated, Multichannel Breakthrough for Strategic Investing Newsletter [Award Winner]

Integrated, multichannel marketing can help you have a breakthrough in generating leads and sales. For example, some of my clients are investment newsletter writers, who must reach a very specific audience with their offer and know how to get prospects [...]

How a Multichannel Integrated Campaign Generated Historic Response…and Won an Award [7 Steps to a Successful Campaign]

Using a multichannel integrated approach can dramatically increase your response and profits. This is what was discovered with Independent Living newsletter, an expensive investment service. To your surprise, a major part of this multichannel campaign was direct mail. But we [...]

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