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Integrated Marketing

Integrated Marketing

New Trend—Defensive Inflation Marketing (DIM)

(DIM). This new trend is helping companies increase their response and attract more customers, offsetting the negative impact of inflation. Why should you consider Defensive Inflation Marketing? A growing number of companies recognize that we are set to experience increasing [...]

Understanding Multichannel Marketing: How Your Company Can Do It Right… and Avoid Costly, Time-Wasting Blunder

Entrepreneurs, company presidents, and marketing directors are often confused… even overwhelmed… with choosing the most cost-effective and powerful ways to: Generate leads and convert them into sales Bring in new customers faster and more efficiently Dominate their market with an [...]

Videolog Produces 14% Response Rate: Perfect Marketing Tool

A videolog is a direct mail piece that contains a video. The videolog is awesome for a lead generation campaign, high-end donor, client up-sell, or product introduction. But it can also be a powerful lead generation tool. Architectural design firm Anderson saw [...]

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