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Marketing Trends

Marketing Trends

How to Market and Advertise in an Economic Recession, Inflation or Stagflation: Strategies for Surviving, Growing, and Dominating Your Market

What should an advertiser or marketer do during a recession… or inflation… or stagflation? Having navigated my clients through five recessions/stagflation, the historic Jimmy Carter 14% inflation rate (and Biden’s 20% in four years) … and 20% interest rates… I [...]

Videolog Produces 14% Response Rate: Perfect Marketing Tool

A videolog is a direct mail piece that contains a video. The videolog is awesome for a lead generation campaign, high-end donor, client up-sell, or product introduction. But it can also be a powerful lead generation tool. Architectural design firm Anderson saw [...]

Testing Corner: Which Ad Worked Best — With Or Without A Photo/Video?

Should you use a video, a photo, or straight copy in your ads? In this week’s testing corner, we look at testing ads for format, including editorial vs. rich design and with a photo/video vs. without. Finally, we tested the [...]

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