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Multichannel Marketing

Multichannel Marketing

Little-known Copywriting Secret: The Power of Believing [Video Briefing]

Let me share one of the most overlooked copy rules in mobilizing your prospects or clients. Struggling to bring in new prospects? Having a hard time bringing in new leads? Want to increase your sales and profits? One of the [...]

D2C: How A Delivery Service Generated 3X Daily Customer Increase… The Little-Known Secret to Successfully Using Paid Search Advertising and the A-B Split

3X increase in new customers… daily. That is the result of a recent direct response campaign we created for a meal delivery service. How? By using a little-known secret that we have perfected. Let me explain. Paid social advertising is a [...]

Grow Your B2C or B2B ROI: Magnify Your Responses by 89% with Integrated Multi-Channel Marketing

Increase your marketing response by 89% or more. How? By using Integrated, Multichannel Marketing. Let me explain. Marketers are not always right, but the marketplace always is. Presidents and marketing/advertising directors can’t afford to make a mistake… losing time or [...]

Does your 2024 marketing plan support your business goals and new marketing conditions?

You should be checking the following periodically to make sure your business and marketing goals are fully aligned: Your situation/target audience Your marketing budgets Your advertising messages Your media plan Your product mix Your positioning/branding Your competition The economic recovery can be [...]

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