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How a Multichannel Integrated Campaign Generated Historic Response…and Won an Award [7 Steps to a Successful Campaign]

Using a multichannel integrated approach can dramatically increase your response and profits. This is what was discovered with Independent Living newsletter, an expensive investment service. To your surprise, a major part of this multichannel campaign was direct mail. But we [...]

Marketing Secrets for the Super Wealthy: 12 Key Steps for Successful Lead Generation and Conversion to America’s Top Income

Lead generation and conversion of ultra-wealthy prospects--often classified as accredited Investors--is a significantly different process from traditional business-to-business marketing or general consumer lead generation marketing. Why? The accredited investor requires important and unique marketing and advertising tactics. An accredited investor is defined as [...]

By |2017-02-23T09:49:08-06:00February 23, 2017|Direct Response Copy Tips, Facebook/Social Media, Integrated Marketing, JOBS Act|
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