Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Instagram – Your Social Media “Power Tool” for Expanding Your Prospect Universe, Lifting Response and Boosting Profits

Instagram is more than just a tool for seeing what your friends are up to, or posting beautiful photos. Think of it as a powerful, far-reaching catalog that can reach a wide range of prospects who are likely to respond [...]

New Launch: More than ½ Million New Customers—Turning a Start-up into a Multi-Million Dollar Company

Let me tell you about an incredible new product launch and what made it successful. Sun Chlorella is supplement created by entrepreneur George Higashida. George had great success in Japan…but wanted to introduce Sun Chlorella to the U.S. The trouble [...]

Avoid This Deadly Marketing Blunder: Corporate Website vs. Landing Pages [video]

Many marketers make this deadly marketing blunder…and don’t even know it. They don’t know that they’re killing response and driving away potential customers. What is it? They rely on their corporate website to drive sales – instead of a single, [...]

8 Secrets to Facebook Look-a-like Success – Generating More Leads and Sales Than Ever

Facebook look-a-like audiences are a powerful way to grow your company. Using this strategic tool, you’ll reach new prospects that “look” like your existing customers. These are prospects who are far more likely to respond to your offer and become [...]

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