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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

33% Response Rate: How You Could Duplicate It With This Unique Integrated Multichannel Campaign [VIDEO]

33% is an awesome response rate. Sound impossible? It’s not—if you use this little-known strategy that breaks through the clutter and grabs your prospects’ attention. 4,000 to 10,000. That’s how many messages your prospect is exposed to daily. Prospects may [...]

Influencer Marketing vs. Produced Ads: Two Video Marketing Strategies.

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways for companies to engage with consumers, and, combined with a multi-channel marketing strategy, it can provide a stunning ROI. Traditionally, video marketing primarily consisted of advertisements produced by a direct response [...]

Understanding Multichannel Marketing: How Your Company Can Do It Right… and Avoid Costly, Time-Wasting Blunder

Entrepreneurs, company presidents, and marketing directors are often confused… even overwhelmed… with choosing the most cost-effective and powerful ways to: Generate leads and convert them into sales Bring in new customers faster and more efficiently Dominate their market with an [...]

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