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multi-channel marketing

multi-channel marketing

Testing Corner: Subject Lines for Your “Follow Up” Multichannel, Integrated Email – Guess the Winner!

When you “follow up” with prospects, always test different assets. Test headlines, graphics, copy, and more. Always test. In every follow-up or conversion series campaign I create, I’m always reminding recipients that they were interested and responded to our offer. [...]

By |2023-09-08T07:47:38-06:00September 8, 2023|Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Multichannel Marketing|

31 Need-to-Know Marketing Tips for the Christmas Season [Videos]

The Christmas shopping season is coming soon. Are you ready with an effective marketing strategy? Last year, retail sales increased in the November-December months by a greater-than-expected 5.3% over 2016... And online sales were up a whopping 11.5% from the [...]

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