Facebook/Social Media

Facebook/Social Media

7 Testimonial Secrets to Boost Your Response

Testimonials can boost your response…Sometimes dramatically. You should use testimonials on your loading pages, ad website, video/TV/podcasts/radio, social ad, digital media, direct mail… in other words, everywhere. Here are 7 secrets I’ve learned over the years from my client's testing [...]

Senior E-commerce & Multichannel Marketing: 12 Powerful Rules for Breakthrough Results

Seniors are one of the most responsive markets. They not only respond to good offers… they buy. They are also easy to identify and market with a multichannel campaign. Seniors (aged 55+) make up an enormous market with incredible purchasing [...]

E-commerce Breakthrough: How Walmart is using a new form of infomercial to win sales

It’s a bold e-commerce breakthrough-- Walmart is trying something new. Knowing how well Hallmark TV/Cable has done with its shows… and knowing how well infomercials produce sales… Walmart is merging the ideas. Having created over 300 TV commercials, 400 videos, [...]

8 Secrets to Facebook Look-a-like Success – Generating More Leads and Sales Than Ever

Facebook look-a-like audiences are a powerful way to grow your company. Using this strategic tool, you’ll reach new prospects that “look” like your existing customers. These are prospects who are far more likely to respond to your offer and become [...]

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